There is so much that I do not know.
Is half of all obtainable knowledge hidden on the other side of death? Or is “half” just an arbitrary term coined by people to try and construct an understanding of something that is potentially infinite? What if scientific laws and principles are only laws and principles in our observable universe? Scientific facts, by definition, are highly corroborated human observations. But human observations rely on five senses which we, in the grand scheme of the cosmos, arbitrarily evolved to have. So what can we, with our limited perception, claim about the truths of an infinitely expanding universe?
Comprehension of existence is inescapably subjective. Everything that I am prevents me from seeing myself for everything that I am. If “knowledge” is a cheap label we thrust onto that which our senses can perceive, is anything objectively real in the way we subjectively define “real” to be? What could a grain of sand possibly claim about the beach it rests on? Didn’t trees exist before we came around to call them that? Who are we to think that we have evolved enough to experience the universe when, in fact, the universe was what evolved enough to experience itself as you and me?
If dust could become aware of itself, would it still be bound to the rules of its constituents? Who has the answers? Who has the truth? Consciousness is a strange prison walled on all sides with mystery. But we’ll spend our lives plastering over these questions with layers of what we want to eat for dinner or who we want to fuck.
There is so much that I do not know.