Scientific understanding, as a collective project of humanity, has a child-like temperament. It eagerly seeks discoveries with wonder-struck dedication until it finds a newer, shinier toy. In the 14th and 15th centuries, a heliocentric solar system was all the rage. Today, we foam at the mouth for gene editing and AI computing. But how long will it be until the todayโs marvels become tomorrowโs footnotes?
The average soccer momโs scientific understanding has discarded the sun as an object worthy of interest. โItโs just a blazing ball in the sky that we rotate around.โ Even ancient civilizations were more in touch with the magnificence of the sun, worshiping it as Ra, Quetzalcoatl, and Amaterasu. In a world before the scientific method, the sun was properly accredited as an existential feat.
Remember that the sun is responsible for your conception of time, why your brain is calibrated to experience a day as 24 hours, and why we have seasons and their silly holidays. The sun is the progenitor of all the food chains you drew in elementary school. Since before the beginning, the sun has heaved energy at our earth-rock until it blistered life into existence.
Everything that ever was and ever will be, began underneath the sun. The sun brought us here, and one day its explosion will take us out. We would do well to humbly receive its quiet generosity, extending our photovoltaic fingers towards the light that sustains all life.